Here is a list of some articles from Nabawi Journal of Hadith Studies that have been cited in the Scopus database:
Suryadilaga, Alfatih. “TRADISI PEMAHAMAN HADIS DALAM KITAB GARIB AL-HADIS DAN TRANSFORMASINYA KE TRADISI KITAB SYARAH HADIS.” Nabawi: Journal of Hadith Studies 1, no. 1 (September 9, 2020). cited by: Machsun, M. A. F. (2023). Linguistic Complexity in Hadith: An Examination of the Role and Origins of ’Al-kalimat al-mubtakirah’ in Hadith. Jurnal Studi Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur’an Dan Hadis, 24(2). |
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Please note that the citation counts listed may change over time as the Scopus database continues to evolve.