Information For Authors


Language: English | Indonesia


The submitted article must not have been published before and should not be under consideration by another journal.

Articles should be sent in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF (Rich Text Format). The text should be double-spaced with a font of Times New Arabic at size 12. If necessary, use italics for emphasis, not bold or underline (except for teacher-student references in footnotes and URLs). All illustrations, images, and tables should be placed in their appropriate positions within the text, not at the end of the article.

The article must adhere to the Author Guidelines. All references should be included in the bibliography, which should only list sources cited in the article. If there are internet references, the URLs must be active.


  • Artikel yang di-submit, belum pernah diterbitkan dan tidak sedang di-submit ke jurnal lain.
  • Artikel dikirim dengan format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF (Rich Text Format).
  • Spasi teks 1,5; font memakai Times New Arabic dengan ukuran 12; jika diperlukan, isi tulisan menggunakan italic (cetak miring), bukan bold (kecuali tanda guru-murid dalam takhrij) atau underline (kecuali alamat URL); Semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan pada tempat yang tepat dalam teks, bukan di akhir artikel.
  • Artikel sudah mengikuti panduan Author Guidelines.
  • Semua rujukan telah dimasukkan pada daftar pustaka. Daftar pustaka hanya berisi rujukan yang dipakai dalam artikel. Jika ada rujukan internet, link URL masih aktif.